Rights Management & APIs

The assignment of intelligent user roles supports the management of different locations and companies. Access rights can be differentiated according to role and organizational unit.

Mit HRlab Rechteverwaltung optimieren

Access Rights




Multi-stage Processes


DATEV interface

Isolated HR solutions can be integrated to HRlab thanks to a wide range of APIs. The prime example of a successful integration: HR submits their payroll to DATEV at the click of a button. Of course, in compliance with data security.


Customizable access rights

HRlab offers a highly flexible rights management, allowing you to configure access rights according to your employee's responsibilities. Thanks to SSO, users are logged in and ready to go in no time.

Continuous development is key

HRlab is continuously striving to provide its users with the best HR software experience. This is why we always take our clients' needs into consideration to develop new features and functionalities.

Related Features

Perfectly Integrable Into Your HR Processes

time tracking

Time Tracking

Whether it’s working hours accounts or time...


Preparatory Payroll Accounting

All payroll-relevant master and transaction data are...



HRlab supports the management and publication of...


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We consider it as a prime example of successful integration: All prepared payroll statements are transferred to DATEV with the simple click of a button, while ensuring full data security.

In addition to the DATEV interface, there are API interfaces for master data and time management data. HRlab also offers interfaces to Onlyfy and Softgarden. Additional solutions can be connected if needed.

HRlab offers a range of pre-configured roles as a starting point. Of course, you can take these roles and customize them to suit your specific needs. We are happy to assist you during the implementation phase to ensure a smooth transition.

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Flexible All-in-One HR Software For Medium-Sized Companies


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