Business Travel

In HRlab, business trips and travel expenses can be recorded directly by your employees and checked and approved by supervisors, HR or accounting as required. Say your goodbyes to any unnecessary back and forth between responsibilities and approvals.

business travel

100% Digital



Currency Conversion

Multi-stage Processes

Easy Administration

Easy administration

Whether it's the approval of trips or the settlement of expense allowances and disbursed costs - accounting for business trips has never been this easy. Thanks to integrated absence management, which is accessible from anywhere.


Flexible approval processes

Business trips are approved directly by employees or the relevant supervisor based on company regulations. To support a sensible billing structure, costs can be easily allocated to customers or projects.

Automated expense calculation

Meal expenses for travel reimbursements are calculated automatically in HRlab. Currency conversions and uploading receipts are taken care of with a few clicks and vouchers can be generated for approved expenses.

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Perfectly Integrable Into Your HR Processes

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Following a business trip, daily allowances, including currency conversions, can be automatically calculated in HRlab. Uploading receipts is a matter of a few clicks. Flexible approval processes ensure a smooth authorization process - all within one application.

Creating booking receipts is quick and easy, but bulk bookings make life even easier.

Yes. You can enter the information regarding client visits or other expenses related to clients already during the initial submission of the travel request.

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