HRlab for Non-Profit-Organisations

One HR software for all challenges: Benefit from efficient recruiting processes and significantly reduced administrative efforts in the HR department. So you can focus on what matters: Your company vision.

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All Data in One Place

100% GDPR-Compliant

Structured & Automated HR-Processes

Finding and Retaining Talent

Non-profit organizations are challenged with finding qualified personnel and retaining them long term. Plus: Efficient structures and processes in the HR department, let alone relevant software support, are rarely in place.

In HRlab, you can create and publish job vacancies, manage applications, and easily gather internal feedback. Colleagues save their feedback directly in the application so everyone has easy access at any give time. Once hired, new employees independently fill out their information into HRlab already ahead of their entry date.

The field of personnel management is by far the least attention given area of NPOs in terms of development and professionalization.
Progress Analysis of NPOs, B’VM 2008
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Reclaiming Time for Strategic Goals

With HRlab, you finally establish automated HR processes to benefit from long-term, which reduces routine tasks. These vary from onboarding over approval requests to automated reminders, such as reaching new tariff levels.

Administrative tasks are reduced to a minimum, and daily processes become a matter of just a few clicks. Also good to know: Once you set up document templates with necessary placeholders, you will create any type of document for any individual use case within seconds.

100% GDPR-Compliant and Reliable Data

Data security is a top priority at HRlab. We host with a German provider and exclusively within Germany. HRlab also serves as a Single Source of Truth, consolidating all personnel-related processes.

This also means that analyses on specific metrics, such as sickness or vacation rates, are accessible with a click. No more hunting through numerous Excel lists for an overview of illness cases in the past six months. Keyword: Planning certainty! Also: eAU-queries in HRlab run 100% automated.


Payroll Was Never Prepared so Time-Efficiently

All payroll-relevant master and movement data are conveniently prepared for monthly payroll and transferred to DATEV or your alternative payroll program seamlessly. This includes change reports, which you can easily export at any time.

Because ultimately: HRlab is all about saving valuable time across HR-related processes. And this time can be directly used for the really important tasks: Strategically working towards your company vision!

Why HRlab is the Right Software Partner

Our focus: Extraordinary flexibility regarding customer requirements and excellent customer support. During implementation, in day-to-day operations, and in the continuous improvement of HRlab. Because: We not only promise new features - we deliver!

Innovative at Fair Prices

You decide exactly what you pay for. The Compact Package already starts from €4 per user and is easily expanded with additional modules like Time & Absence, Talent Management, or Recruitment as needed. This way, you avoid frustrating licensing issues and simply pay per user.

Personal Contact as a Matter of Course

We understand how challenging it can be to introduce new software in a company. To make this process as easy as possible for you, we provide honest and transparent personal support. From the very beginning.

Reliable Support and Secure Hosting

HRlab stands for competent support that is always ready to help. This is confirmed by our customer satisfaction, which averages a rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars. Additionally, HRlab's hosting is exclusively done in Germany.

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Flexible All-in-One HR Software For Medium-Sized Companies


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